Monday, November 14, 2011

Interactivity #4

Whenever I think of technology and Mathematics, I automatically think of scatter plots, graphs, linear regressions and best fit lines. This lesson plan is a great demonstration of many of those concepts, and it presents them using something that most everyone is familiar with: EBay. I also think that by using the PS3 as a “new” technology in the worksheet and questions, it causes students to actually think about factors that affect the prices of new technologies. I did not notice any real gaps between the goals, strategies and technologies in this lesson. When I was reading it though, I immediately thought of trying to incorporate Excel as much as possible as opposed to hand-graphing. In the context of scatter plots and lines of best fit, Excel is definitely the “go-to” technology, and I think incorporating it would only enhance the lesson and strengthen the learning goals. A program like Excel is truly an “all-in-one” package for the learning goals in this lesson: it can find a linear equation to model a set of data and provide a clear, well-organized representation to aid in analysis and interpretation.

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